Mohamed Idris
(Chairperson) |
Claude Alvares
Website created
Vinay Lal, Associate Professor of History, UCLA, USA
All material on this site is coyrighted:
Vinay Lal, 2005.
Authors of individual pieces hold the copyrightto their own pieces. However,
all material may be reproduced freely, without
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that proper acknowledgment be made to the author(s) of the pieces being
Gustavo Esteva is a grassroots activist and deprofessionalized intellectual.
He works independently and in conjunction with Mexican, Latin American
and international grassroots organizations and networks. He was an advisor
to the Zapatistas. In 2003 he launched an effort of cultural regeneration,
currently involving more than 400 communities, of 10 Indigenous peoples
in Chiapas and Oaxaca in Southern Mexico. He lives in a small Indigenous
village in Oaxaca.
He has authored, coauthored or edited more than 30 books and published
more than 500 essays. His recent books include, with M.S. Prakash, Grassroots
Postmodernism: Remaking the Soil of Cultures (Zed Books, 1998) and Escaping
Education: Living as Learning at the Grassroots (Lang Publishers, 1998).
Readers interested in his work on Zapatistas might also like to consult
his Celebration of Zapatismo, which is available in the Dissenting Knowledges
Pamphlet Series, also an enterprise of Multiversity
People's Power and Coalitions
of Discontents
Desperately Seeking Marcos
Zapatistas and People's
Zapatismo: A Feminine Movement